Child Support Title IV-D: A Brief Overview

Child Support Title IV-D

Whether you are a parent who needs advice regarding non-payment of child support from the non-custodial parent or you have questions regarding the legal risks of non-payment of your current child support obligations, you will most likely require the services of child support attorneys in Houston, Texas. The last decade has seen changes in child support enforcement programs which have made it extremely difficult for parents to escape their obligations to financially support their children. The state of Texas also keeps track of employer hiring data making it relatively simple to garnish the wages of a defaulting parent. The law firm of Sullo & Sullo, LLP can offer knowledgeable and experienced assistance to you regarding your child support issues. Our attorneys have a solid background as well as many years of working with child support issues. They can efficiently analyze your original child support agreement and provide you with sound advice and counsel.

What is Title IV-D?

The individual state’s receipt of welfare funding is tied directly to the operation of a child support enforcement program due to a 1975 decision by the federal government. The state of Texas is distinctive in that it has designated the Attorney General as the responsible office for collecting child support as well as other child support assistance. Additionally, while most states run the child support enforcement programs at the county level, Texas operates under a statewide combined program. In short, any case where the custodial parent is receiving some form of assistance such as help in locating a non-custodial parent, the establishment of paternity or the establishment and enforcement of child support, becomes a Title IV-D case. Child support cases are automatically referred to the Office of the Attorney General should a parent apply for public assistance or Medicaid, and parents may also apply for Title IV-D services whether or not they have received public assistance.

Getting the Help You Need

Parents have a legal responsibility to financially support their children, yet child support enforcement can become complicated and fraught with emotion. Whether you are stuck waiting for the child support check that never comes or you need to modify your existing child support orders, the attorneys at Sullo and Sullo, LLP can help you reach a positive resolution and help to ensure your children’s future needs. Don’t waste precious time stressing out about the situation - call us now for help with your child support issues.

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